
Foreign Trade Interception Data

Foreign trade interception data refers to the data of international trade activities that a country intercepts and obtains through legal means such as customs inspection and investigation. It includes all kinds of documents, correspondence, audiovisual materials, electronics information, etc. related to the import and export trade of the monitored country or region.

Translation of Foreign Trade Interception Data

In English, foreign trade interception data can be translated as "foreign trade intercept data" or "foreign trade intercepted data".

Composition of Foreign Trade Intercept Data

Foreign trade intercept data generally includes the following aspects:

1. Commodity information: including the names, specifications, quantities, prices, ports of loading and unloading, etc. of goods involved in foreign trade;

2. Counterparty information: including the names, contact methods, product categories, cooperative relationships, etc. of trading partners involved in foreign trade;

3. Shipping information: including means of transport, shipping routes, shipping schedules, shipping documents, etc. related to the shipment of goods;

4. Payment information: including payment methods, currencies, accounts, sums, schedules, etc. related to the payment of foreign trade;

5. Correspondence: including letters, emails, documents, etc. exchanged in business negotiations related to foreign trade;

6. Other information: including foreign trade policies, development strategies, market surveys, etc. obtained through foreign trade activities.

Means of Foreign Trade Intercept Data Collection

Countries generally collect foreign trade intercept data through the following means:

1. Customs inspection: Customs conducts inspection, examination and declaration of imported and exported goods and archives the records;

2. Port investigation: By investigating and monitoring import and export cargo ships and collecting business information disclosed by relevant parties during the loading and unloading process;

3. Mail inspection: Open and inspect international mails and parcels suspected of containing transaction records and business information related to foreign trade;

4. Cyber monitoring: Monitor and intercept emails, messages and data transmitted on the Internet to obtain foreign trade information exchanged online;

5. Intelligence gathering: Carry out intelligence activities such as human intelligence and signal intelligence to collect foreign trade information.

Application of Foreign Trade Intercept Data

Foreign trade intercept data has wide application value:

1. Understanding foreign trade dynamics: Grasp foreign trade policies, development trends, enterprise operations and product competitiveness of other countries;

2. Conducting market research: Conduct research on overseas market demand, development potential, competitive landscape, customer preferences, etc. to develop market access strategies;

3. Identifying foreign trade risks: Detect foreign trade frictions, trade remedies, export control risks and supply chain risks in a timely manner;

4. Supporting foreign trade activities: Provide information support for activities such as foreign trade promotion, negotiation and cooperation;

5. Assisting law enforcement: Collect evidence for anti-smuggling, anti-commercial bribery and other foreign trade law enforcement and supervision.

Protection of Foreign Trade Intercept Data

Foreign trade intercept data involves national security and commercial secrets, countries will take measures to protect the data:

1. Classified management: Classify and manage data of different sensitivity levels according to security regulations;

2. Access control: Implement strict identity authentication for people who can access intercept data;

3. Transmission protection: Adopt secure transmission measures such as encryption when transmitting intercept data over the network;

4. Secondary processing: Prevent commercial secrets from being leaked when intercept data is shared and used by relevant departments;

5. Leakage prevention: Strengthen monitoring and quickly deal with problems such as data loss and information disclosure.

In Conclusion

In summary, foreign trade intercept data is an important intelligence source for countries to understand the dynamics of international economic and trade situations and protect national interests. Countries attach great importance to the collection, application and protection of such data.


外贸截数据的英文怎么说 常见问答(FQAS)

Q1: What does foreign trade interception data refer to?

Foreign trade interception data refers to the data of international trade activities that a country intercepts and obtains through legal means such as customs inspection and investigation. It includes all kinds of documents, correspondence, audiovisual materials, electronics information, etc. related to the import and export trade of the monitored country or region.

Q2: How can foreign trade interception data be translated into English?

In English, foreign trade interception data can be translated as "foreign trade intercept data" or "foreign trade intercepted data".

Q3: What are the main components of foreign trade intercept data?

Foreign trade intercept data generally includes commodity information, counterparty information, shipping information, payment information, correspondence, and other information.

Q4: What are common means for collecting foreign trade interception data?

Common means include customs inspection, port investigation, mail inspection, cyber monitoring, and intelligence gathering.

Q5: How do countries protect foreign trade interception data?

Countries will take measures such as classified management, access control, transmission protection, secondary processing, and leakage prevention to protect foreign trade interception data.

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